Chart of the week: This is what advertising will look like in 2021

Chart of the week: This is what advertising will look like in 2021

24 de setembro de 2019
Última atualização: 24 de setembro de 2019
Helio Gama Neto

FIPP – 23/09/2019

Internet advertising is forecasted to take up over 50 per cent of ad spending in the next three years, according to Zenith Media.

Digital channels are eating up larger portions of total ad spends as more and more people around the world go online through both desktops and, especially, mobile means. The International Telecommunication Union estimates that about half of the world joined the world wide web last year. With more of the world online, there are more opportunities for advertisers to reach new audiences and engage existing ones.

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Helio Gama Neto