Unprepared for unpublishing? Here’s how some newsrooms are rethinking what lasts forever

Unprepared for unpublishing? Here’s how some newsrooms are rethinking what lasts forever

4 de setembro de 2019
Última atualização: 4 de setembro de 2019
Helio Gama Neto

NIEMAN LAB – 04/09/2019


News outlets are notoriously bad at saving their work. Archiving the journalism that you pour blood, sweat, and whatever else into is a crucial step to having a lasting impact. But 19 news organizations out of 21 in a study conducted earlier this year weren’t taking any steps to archive their online content (no, saving it in a Google Doc or Github doesn’t count). As I wrote then: “For a field that likes to consider itself the author of the first draft of history, the vast majority of those authors don’t prioritize how to save and share that history in the future.”

Leia aqui o texto na íntegra.

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Helio Gama Neto