Meredith Claims Improved Ad Results, Strong Circ Business in Q3
FOLIO. – 14/05/2019
Greg Dool
On the print side, the combined Meredith/Time Inc. portfolio was down only 7% in advertising revenue, according to president and CEO Tom Harty, compared to double-digit losses in the preceding quarters, while digital advertising “was up a couple percentage points” on a comparable basis—meaning just looking at February and March year-over-year, as the Time Inc. acquisition wasn’t completed until January 31, 2018. Meredith Corp. execs touted what they saw as encouraging signs for both print and digital advertising as well as a significant uptick in consumer-driven revenue on an earnings call Friday reporting the company’s performance in the third quarter of 2019 (Meredith’s fiscal years start in July and end in June).