Why making content on the internet free was our biggest mistake… and how to fix it

Why making content on the internet free was our biggest mistake… and how to fix it

7 de agosto de 2019
Última atualização: 7 de agosto de 2019
Helio Gama Neto
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Tom Goodwin, Head of Innovation for Zenith Media

I think the biggest mistake ever made by the human race was deciding to pay for the internet and the stuff on it with our attention.

It might seem unusual to suggest that up with climate change or terrorism, one of the greatest threats facing society is the quality of news and other information we absorb. Perhaps it’s even more far fetched to suggest that the problem is entirely attributable to the new mechanics and business models of the internet.

Leia aqui o texto na íntegra.

Warning: Undefined array key "" in /home/u302164104/domains/aner.org.br/public_html/wp-content/themes/aner/single.php on line 223

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/u302164104/domains/aner.org.br/public_html/wp-content/themes/aner/single.php on line 223
Helio Gama Neto